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Discover the benefits of translating your e-commerce website

Written by Linguaserve | Aug 17, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Companies face many challenges when they begin exploring new markets, including translating their e-commerce website. Nevertheless, the success of international companies like Amazon and Alibaba and the soaring revenues from online sales over the past years have encouraged more and more companies of all sizes to begin selling on the Internet.


Translation of an e-commerce website: main benefits

If your company's goal is to go global, keep in mind that more than half of the world's population has access to the Internet and could, therefore, potentially visit your website. Nevertheless, most will only visit if the website is available in a language they use on a regular basis or if the content is translated effectively and accurately.

  • A translation agency specializing in e-commerce that is able to respond to the most widely spoken languages on the Internet will open your company up to a massive audience. You simply need to provide a high-quality translation that allows visitors to understand the characteristics of the products that they can purchase on your e-commerce website.

  • The user’s experience is key to sales conversion. A correctly optimized and clearly translated website is the first step to a user becoming a customer by clicking on “confirm purchase.” Just make sure that each step of the process is written clearly in a customer's native language, so that they don’t become frustrated and abandon the purchase.

  • Enjoyable browsing and clear information. Ensure not only a sale but also customer loyalty, bringing them back to support your brand. It's important to have a clear product sheet to detail all the pertinent information on the product in question.

  • The language of the original site needs to have appealing content. In the translation, this appeal needs to remain in place for each language and culture. If you follow this step, in addition to having an updated page in all languages, you’ll have assured success thanks to customer engagement.

  • An e-commerce website whose prices and descriptions are easily understood and whose buttons (“Add to basket” o “Buy”) are correctly translated will avoid disruptions and will keep its customers engaged with the brand.

  • Offering customers a wide range of languages to choose from lends your brand gravitas and exponentially increases the company's growth prospects.


The key: finding a good translation agency

Translating an e-commerce website is the key to strong sales conversion. A simple translation is not enough; potential customers demand quality if they are going to give you their trust. You will only capture new customers through a high-quality translation that boosts the image of your e-commerce website. 

Nothing can be more beneficial to an e-commerce business in terms of selling products and services over the Internet than hiring the services of an expert translation agency. With a properly translated website, e-commerce businesses will be able to sell their products in a variety of markets around the world and multiply their opportunity for growth on a global level.