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4 advantages of translating a website if you are a business school

Written by Linguaserve | Jul 27, 2022 8:42:00 AM

Are you a business school and want to internationalize your school and attract students from other countries? Or do you simply feel that you need to review your entire international strategy? If you have been thinking about it for some time, the first thing you should know is that translating a website correctly and attractively is the first step to being found and convincing people of your training offer.

There are many international students who come to Spain interested in pursuing or extending their education abroad, as well as executives of international companies who come to work in our country and want to complete their curriculum.

In both cases and academic programs aside, the fact of having students from several countries adds real value to a business school, as it projects its image to the rest of the world.

We will tell you, below, all the advantages of a translation service for business schools so that you will be able to assess for yourself whether you are interested in benefiting from them.

4 advantages of a translation service for business schools

A translation service for business schools brings benefits that you won't be able to take advantage of if you don't translate the school's website. Read on to find out how website translation is a very important asset for educational institutions, especially those that are business-oriented and have an international projection.

1. You enrich the image of the school

Translating a website, including all the elements to which it gives access (presentation, courses, training program, teaching options, blog, etc.), always gives and more international image to the school and denotes an interest in reaching the user interested in this type of training who finds all the information in their native language and, therefore, the answer to all of their questions.

In this case, even though users may be fluent in other languages and understand your website's messages perfectly in the original language, some studies show the importance of languages in decision-making. This, of course, also affects those related to monetary transactions such as those that have to do with the choice of studying one thing or another.

2. You achieve better positioning

A translation service for business schools relies on expert translators who know the subject matter and the economic-financial vocabulary, both in the source and target languages. In addition, they perform SEO-focused translation, finding the most appropriate keywords in each language of the target markets.

Website translation in the education sector helps you increase traffic sources to your business school's website.

3. You gain the loyalty of new users

Finding web content in the native language is something that users are very grateful for. If the website has a blog with translated content, it is easier to increase the community of followers and the number of visits. In this way, you can add value to your content and draw the interest of more students.

Inbound Marketing is, in this sense, a strategy for attracting and nurturing potential customers that will help you gain their trust through relevant and quality content. Having your inbound strategy translated into English or any other language depending on the nature of your business can help you deliver the same valuable content to potential students around the world.

4. Gain reference in the sector

Translation for business schools is focused on drawing the attention of students abroad. In this sense, quality translation and localization services generate trust and demonstrate the center's efforts to provide valuable training and knowledge.

A good localization effort succeeds in conveying the school's values by integrating the message into the culture and character of other countries beyond the academic aspects. If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of translating a website , make sure you work with a professional localization and website translation company with the quality and experience to get the most out of your website.