Why video game localization testing is so important

video game localization testing
By May 18th, 2022 | video game localization | 0 Comments

We are so used to finding most video games in our language that we hardly ever stop and think about the effort video game translation and localization involves. In fact, when we do think about it, it’s because there is something out of the ordinary that has caught our eye.

There are many video games that are more famous for these types of mistakes rather than for the game itself. This is why nowadays, video game localization testing is such an important task. Next we’ll tell you how much and why.

Do you know how many things are involved in video game localization?

Video game localization is a long and difficult process, since it’s not just about translating the files with the original text.

Ideally, the translator will have the complete and definite text at their disposal, and even graphic content. However, most times this is not the case, and video game localization testing is essential.

Localization is more than just video game translation and means the complete adaptation of the video game in each one of the target markets in which it will be launched. This means integrating it linguistically and culturally, without forgetting the technical and legal aspects.

A video game translator accommodates their knowledge as such, to adapt to the language idiosyncrasy of the target country, with all that it involves: sense of humor, prevailing inclinations, religion or social uses and customs.

And all without losing the character’s essence, their style, their taglines or fixed phrases and for which equivalents must be found.

It’s not just dialogs: discover what is translated and localized in video games

Video game localization is much more difficult than it seems. Besides translating and localizing the dialogs that appear on screen, there’s much more:

  • The texts that are found in the game’s menu.
  • The guide and texts on the
  • Quickstart guides.
  • The game’s website.
  • Descriptions.
  • Audio
  • Legal aspects.

Localization is an extensive and complex job which involves a team of professional translators with technical knowledge that must become familiar with the video game and reference material that gives them the required context.

That is why during their work they must study glossaries and style guides that collect the rules and nuances in terms of spelling, grammar, tone and pronunciation that will provide the necessary consistency. Also, a video game translator must respect the limit of characters and spaces.

The importance of video game localization testing

Developing a video game is an expensive task that requires a large amount of professionals. Quality control and playtesting are essential to avoid the end product being launched onto the market with any mistakes.

Testing covers functional aspects of the play experience itself and localization tests. In fact, linguistic testing is in charge of revising and correcting all of which is covered by the translation and localization of the product so that no mistakes affect the user’s play experience. It is an essential stage in order to guarantee the game complies with the required quality standards.

If you want to ensure perfect video game localization, don’t hesitate to collaborate with a translation company that has all the necessary human and technological resources to cover all of the stages that will ensure the end product’s quality. 

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