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When to seek out the revision of a translation

Written by Linguaserve | Apr 3, 2020 1:57:00 PM

Revising a translation is fundamental if you want a high-quality, accurate translation. While it is commonly thought that translation is a single, definitive process, it actually involves several stages and processes: the translation itself, revision, and correction.

Many people are unaware that revision is a part of the translation process, which is regulated by European standard ISO 17100:2015.

Do you know what it involves and when it is needed? Read on to find out.


What does translation revision involve?

A revision is an examination or review of a translation by a translator other than the person who made the initial translation. It is usually performed by a professional who specializes in the target language and who has experience in the subject matter in question.

The main purposes of a revision are to correct any errors that may be present and fine tune the first translation for maximum quality. The revising translator examines all aspects of the composition: the vocabulary used, grammar, and style.


Stages of a translation revision

A complete revision includes two fundamental stages: the monolingual revision and the bilingual revision.



The bilingual revision involves cross checking the translation with the source text as a final validation and implementing safety measures to prevent any discrepancies or errors. The reviser looks at the nomenclature, localization, and terminology, among others elements.



Monolingual revision involves checking all the structural elements of the translation as if it were the original text and ensures that the text has been tailored to the client's preferences or needs, complies with the linguistic standards in force for the respective language, and correctly applies the criteria of the chosen style manual.

A track change system is used to signal changes and facilitate the necessary modifications, taking into account the uniformity and cohesiveness of the text.


When should you seek out the revision of a translation?

While translation revision is a formal aspect of any translation process, on certain occasions, it is absolutely necessary.

A clear example is when you request the translation of a text that will be sent for publishing, e.g. manuals, informative brochures, posters, or menus. Since it is a text with a set objective aimed at a large audience, it is very important that you make sure that it does not contain any errors that could diminish its effectiveness.

For texts such as business letters, scientific articles, or technical presentations, it is likewise important that you demand revision by a translator who specializes in the respective subject matter. This will ensure that the correct terminology has been used throughout.

Another scenario where a revision is recommended is when the final result is not to your liking and you need it to be looked over again.


Despite the fact that translation revision often depends on the type of translated text, the availability of translators, and client’s requirements and budget, it remains a fundamental part of the process. It offers you a guarantee that your text will be clear, coherent, and legitimate.