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New simultaneous interpreting for webinars and videoconferences

Written by Linguaserve | Jul 13, 2022 7:31:00 AM

Simultaneous interpreting has had to adapt to new forms of communication. Constant technological advances and the impossibility of arranging face-to-face meetings as a result of the pandemic have boosted a new way of attending common events.

Webinars and videoconferences make it possible to participate without being present, being able to listen, discuss and ask questions to the speaker or other participants. And, as in the case of face-to-face events, simultaneous interpreting is necessary when people who speak different languages come together.

If you want to know more about interpreting services for videoconferences and webinars, don't miss the following information.

How simultaneous interpreting has adapted to the new reality

Social activity today is more technological than ever. If we were already accustomed to using various IT services to carry out our daily tasks, the situation created by the pandemic took us a step further.

Almost overnight, we had to get used to teleworking and virtual meetings, not only in Spain, but all over the world. The difficulty of traveling and attending trade fairs, conferences and seminars has made meetings via web platforms a daily occurrence. Consequently, an interpreting service for webinars and videoconferences is one of the most demanded services.

How simultaneous interpreting works through web platforms

The simultaneous interpreter no longer has to be physically present at the place where the main event takes place. Depending on the duration and the number of languages and, therefore, the number of interpreters required, they can work from their office or from a professional hub equipped with booths and technical means to ensure the quality and stability of the service.

Through technological means, the interpreter accesses the web platform and receives the speaker's video and audio in real time and translates it into the target language instantly. In this way, simultaneous interpreting in Zoom —or in one of the other different web platforms available today— is received by the attendees through their computer or mobile device.

When is the use of remote simultaneous interpreting most interesting?

In addition to using simultaneous translation for webinars and videoconferences, this form of multilingual communication is also very interesting for press conferences, where journalists receive the translation on-site through the interpreter and can ask questions in the same way.

In the corporate environment, simultaneous interpreting via Zoom, Teams, Meet or another platform facilitates communication between the various sites of an international company or between the company and its customers and suppliers.

The advantages of the new simultaneous interpreting make it a tool that is here to stay. However, the convenience, immediacy and the wide range of possibilities it offers should not make us forget the need for a service that offers experienced interpreters, not only with a perfect mastery of the source and target languages, but also with skills and knowledge in new technologies.

Languages and distances are no longer an obstacle for international webinars or videoconferences. Relying on a translation and interpreting agency allows you to cross borders and reach further.