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11 tips for creating quality international SEO content

Written by Linguaserve | Feb 8, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Good international SEO is important when it comes to positioning your content in your internationalization strategy. According to data provided by a report from the Content Marketing Institute, 89% of companies have a content marketing policy to help them achieve brand visibility.

This same strategy should be applied to company internationalization. A good international SEO strategy is the best investment for your international project.


The importance of creating SEO content in your marketing strategies

Content is especially important in marketing and advertising strategies. In fact, it’s the basis of SEO strategies, as it’s in the content where search engines obtain information for indexing and ranking web pages.

Here are some tips on how to create SEO content.

  1. The key lies in the keywords. Do a thorough study of the most-used words in users' searches. Keywords tell search engines what your content is about.
  2. Highlight and structure the content. Your content shouldn’t be boring, as users' attention spans are very short. Structure the content in several subheadings and use bullet points and bold type to make it clearer and more readable.
  3. Add value. Your content must respond and provide solutions to users’, reflecting the style and values of your brand.
  4. Size does matter. Long content ranks better, although it’s important that the paragraphs are short to space the text out more.
  5. Provide quality resources. Use links from other sources to enrich your content. Linking your pages to others gives you credibility.
  6. Make it easy for search engines. Take advantage of metatags to position search results, helping search engines to index more accurately.

Follow these tips and you’ll improve your positioning, increase the visibility of your pages and reinforce your brand image. Remember, however, that to improve, you also need to quantify. And for that you need to be aware of the be tools for international SEO.


How to position your content in your international SEO campaign

Leverage the importance of content in your international SEO strategy. At Linguaserve, we’re specialists in website internationalization and localization, so you’ll be able to optimize your international SEO positioning. Here are some tips on how to do that.

  1. Forget about machine translation. We cannot stress this enough. Using machine translation for professional content is the fastest way to get ignored by search engines. Meaningless words, phrases out of context or "false friends" are just some of the risks you expose your international SEO strategy to by doing this.
  2. Search for the most appropriate keywords for each location. Keywords must match users' search trends, and these change by language and even between countries that share the same language.
  3. Translate metatags. Like text, metadata must be translated, as it informs search engines about the description and subject matter of the content.
  4. Localize all content. To create international SEO content, texts and all website elements must be localized; that is, they must be integrated into the language and culture of the destination so that users perceive the text as being originally intended for them.
  5. Rely on an SEO translation agency. Translators specialized in international web positioning are the right people to help you achieve your goals in your international SEO strategy.

International SEO is your greatest asset when it comes to positioning your brand as a leader in other countries. Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re experts in multilingual communication and we’ll provide the best solution for your international strategy.